One of my favorite sports blogs out there is Deadspin.
You know, "Sports News without Access, Favor or Discretion."
Well, this weekend, yours truly will be blogging from the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament in St. Louis with access and (probably) favor. Discretion ... well ... like MJH said, not so much.
I've always looked forward to MVC Tourney weekend as a fan. It gave me an excuse to go to all of my classes before Spring Break and then ditch Thursday and Friday's classes for the tourney's first two days before spending the weekend in St. Louis.
Now, since I have access, I have a legit reason (along with a note from the DE's Faculty Managing Editor) to miss class. And I'm taking advantage of it.
Stay tuned to The Big Dead Sidebar as I'll provide a different look at the MVC Tournament as I'll attempt to do something only a young, hungry, desperate-for-a-job sports writer would do.
And that's cover every frickin' game of the tournament.
/Bill Plaschke'd
Take care, America. Until later, I'm going to enjoy some free food from the media lounge.
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