Too bad we can't take Stacy Keibler with us because if we could we would.
Maybe we'll find our own Ms. Hancock on our 9+ hour journey.
On with the recap of the best week ever.
Matt Stairs hit an important homer to help put the Philadelphia Phillies in the World Series. I couldn't help that he was once a Chicago Cub. He wasn't a good one, but he replaced one of Chi-town's best - Amazing Grace.
[Just Wondering]
Some love for the Tampa Bay Rays. I was willing to hand them the "D" word. Then last night happened. It's OK though, at least they got farther than the Chicago Cubs.
[Rays of Power]
FEMA has visited Las Vegas in preparation of the return of Hurricane PacMan.
[PacMan Jones is going on vacation]
You can add the Boston Red Sox to the list.
[The Boston Red Sox don't care about black people]
Jeff, the TBDS hoops expert, provides his first NBA Preview.
[Midwest Money]
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