UPDATE: So this thing is picking up a little bit of steam as it has been picked up by The Huffington Post and NBCChicago.com. For the record, my pops saw it and had no idea what The Big Dead Sidebar was.
If anything, this just means we have to have another TBDS Day (or Night) At The Park very soon.
It's been a little more than one week since yours truly accepted an empty diploma holder signifying the end of my five-year stint at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
I currently hold a degree in journalism, as long as those credits clear and the university doesn't lose my mailing address, I'll have the thing in no time. But that degree is already starting to open doors ... or at least Internet windows.
Take it away, Deadspin:
Irked by the loathsome "Zambrano mows my lawn" shirt found on one Cardinals fan a couple weeks ago, the Wrigley faithful come back with their own interpretation. Yes, Albert Pujols, one of the MLB's best players and most kind-hearted human beings, is also apparently mowing lawns for some Chicago area residents. This shirt was spotted by members of the Big Dead Sidebar blogging outfit while they strolled Wrigleyville during the Astros series.
Yep, we made Deadspin with that post.
Does that makes up better than you? Maybe. Does it mean you should take us a little more seriously? Maybe. Does it mean you should read this blog religiously? Definitely!
Now it's time for me to find a job.
Midwesterners Sure Do Love Their Lawn Mowin' T-Shirts [Deadspin]
Cubs Vendors Adopt Stupid, Racist Shirt [NBC Chicago]
Cubs Vendors Selling 'Pujols Mows My Lawn' Shirt [The Huffington Post]
Great Work! Deadspin is a great website.
Oh, you say that you got that Journalism degree at the School of Journalism (http://journal.siu.edu) within the College of Mass Communication and Media Arts (http://mcma.siuc.edu) at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (http://www.siuc.edu)
Ha, sorry, had to post that to ride that graduation gown coattails a little bit through the Blog World.
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