And my final act doing the best damn job in the whole damn world.
Well, myself and several current and former members of the DE Sports Desk handed out some hardware in the second annual Saluki Awards. Winners include ... um ... Saluki athletics. Yeah, that sounds about right.
I was even lucky enough to get SIU AD Mario Moccia to throw in his two cents as he took some time out of his busy schedule and meetings with Chancellor Samuel Goldman.
Then there was my final column. Oh, column writing, how I tried to avoid thee until dumb Saluki fans decided to make arses out of themselves. Hey, someone's gotta police the stupid, right? And while I came under plenty of fire for it, I stand by my column 100 percent.
I'm glad it went where it did because it allowed me to touch on topics I normally would not have even thought twice about. At this point at my life, I'm all about expanding my writing horizons.
So that brings us to right here and right now.
I guess this would be a good time to thank those of you who are coming over from the Daily Egyptian Web site, where I shamelessly cross promoted this blog ... which usually cross-references DE stuff.
Unfortunately, it's a 99.9 percent chance that my life as a DEer is over. That's the bad news. The good news is that I am now a WEBsclusive. I'm here for your Internet pleasures ... no, not those Internet pleasures.
That just means a better TBDS is going to be here for you until I get a job that tells me I can't write here any more. At that point I will either find another job, or start writing under my pen name.
More on that if/when that becomes necessary.
Until then: Sit back, relax and strap it down. Welcome to The Big Dead Sidebar: Reloaded.
Life after 'Stay Classy, Carbondale' [Daily Egyptian]
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